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Is there a special technique to stir frying kabocha? I've always just simmered it and would love to try making new things with it! :)

Mike McKay

Hi Amy (is that right?) I'm Mike from gaijin-in-japan.com I've been coming to your blog over the months and just had to comment. I thought my wife was a fantastic cook, but it looks like she has some competition. And your photos are killing....wonderful! I have to step to the plate.

This is not an ad, just thought it was interesting. Today we are posting a video on how to cook Jagaimo on oyamake.com/blog . It's funny that you put something similar up at about the same time.

Suggestions for kabocha: Microwave in a bag with a little water for 30 seconds then throw in the griller or on the BBQ. You could even wrap with bacon. Or, Pumpkin gratin, diced in a salad with apple, pumpkin pancakes or maybe even pumpkin makizushi...hmmm. Not the sushi.


Sera, just stir it a lot! Oh, and it needs to be thinly sliced or it will burn before cooking through.

Mike, I guess great minds think alike! Actually, I have yet to master nikujaga, but I need to try it soon. It's such a classic guy-pleasing dish that I'm sure my guy would be extremely grateful if I cooked him some!

That's a very nice blog and shop and I'll be checking back soon.

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